Santa Rosa spin: What it is and why you’ll love it!

Are you gearing up for your first Santa Rosa spin class? Don’t be sheepish about attending a new class, arrive confidently prepared with the 411 for successful fat burning!Santa Rosa Spin, You'll Love It!

Spinning was created by world-class cyclist “Jonny G.” Goldberg as a convenient and quick way to train for races. In 1989, he and John Baudhuin opened the first spinning center in Santa Monica, California and then developed a program to certify other spinning instructors. Curious to know about this spinning thing? The following info will help you decide if it’s for you:

What is it? Spinning is an aerobic exercise that takes place on a specially designed stationary bicycle called (obviously enough) a spinning bike. As you pedal, motivating music plays and the instructor talks you through a visualization of an outdoor cycling workout: “You’re going up a long hill now, you can’t see the top yet.…” During the class you vary your pace — sometimes pedaling as fast as you can, other times cranking up the tension and pedaling slowly from a standing position. This helps you to focus inwardly and work on your mind as well as your body.

Why you’ll love it: Spinning burns serious calories (about 450 in 45 minutes) and offers an awesome aerobic workout that makes your heart pump fast. It also tones your quadriceps (front thigh muscles) and outer thigh muscles like nobody’s business! Because you stay in one place with the same basic movement throughout, Spinning doesn’t involve a lot of coordination; it’s easier to concentrate on your form than in other types of aerobic classes. And although you follow the general instructions of the spinning teacher, you are in control when it comes to your pace. You can finish a spin class, regardless of your fitness level, simply by adjusting your pace or the tension knob on the bike.

Equipment Needed: Other than the bike, here’s what you need for a safe, comfortable ride:

  • A stiff-soled shoe with good ventilation. (Running and aerobic shoes, which are soft-soled, may leave your feet numb by the end of the class.)
  • Two towels, one for wiping away sweat and one for draping over the handlebars so your hands won’t slide out of position.
  • A full water bottle, because you’re definitely going to sweat. Most spinning bikes are equipped with a water bottle cage so you can place your “‘H2Oh” within easy reach.

Insider information: Riding with an incorrect seat setting can also lead to injury. Set your seat height so your knee is slightly bent at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Set the handlebars so that they are level with the seat. When you lean forward and place your hands on the bars, there should be a slight bend at your elbows.

Hot Tip: Arrive ten to fifteen minutes early for your first class so your instructor can answer any questions and help you with bike adjustments. Make sure you let her know about any injuries that you have so she can help you modify some of the moves. During class, be sure to let your instructor know if you are having trouble with the resistance knob or the general technique. If the class is too intense, just pedal more slowly or take the tension down.

Try our Santa Rosa spin today! Click here or call for more information at 707-795-0400!

Your Rohnert Park Gym and Health Club Kicks the Cold Virus with 6 Simple Secrets

If you have fallen victim to the cold virus that is circulating Sonoma County, Rohnert Park Gym and Health Club has tips on how to get rid of it fast and avoid it in the future! Rohnert Park Gym and Health Club

“Come inside! You’ll catch a cold!” Your mother would always say. Big news! Mother did NOT know best.  According to Doctor Joseph Mercola being around the hacking cougher at church, or walking barefoot in the rain is not the culprit of bacteria! Colds viruses are actually a result of of direct contact with the same object that has been infected by a cold carrier. Cold viruses can live on crayon your children share, computer mouses, coffee cups, and other objects for up to hours, so it’s easy to come into contact with such viruses on a daily basis.

Do not be downhearted because of your constant exposure; rather arm yourself properly with the proper defenses:

  1. Rest up! Be sure to always get enough restorative sleep and down-time. 8 hours of sleep per night is a great goal when resisting a common cold’s hostile takeover.
  2. Workout regularly. Exercise triggers a rise in your immune system that attacks potential invaders and cuts your risk of illness in half.
  3. Keep calm and listen to your body. If you feel yourself getting sick, do not overdo it. Over- exercising can place stress on your system causing it to give in to the virus that is knocking at your body’s door.
  4. Address your stress. Emotional stress can cause physical symptoms to become worse. It can also predispose your immune system to weaken under the weight of your worry.
  5. Get your daily dose of vitamin D. Research has confirmed that “catching” colds and flu may actually be a symptom of an underlying vitamin D deficiency. The higher your vitamin D level, the lower your risk of contracting not only colds but also the flu, and other respiratory tract infections. If you read our blogs, you know that regular time outdoors is key in maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D.
  6. Take your supplements in addition to the lifestyle measures listed above. Listed below are helpful options:
Zinc: When taken within the one day of the first cold symptoms, zinc can reduce the duration of your cold by about 24 hours and reduce the severity of your symptoms, according to a Cochrane Review of 15 clinical trials Vitamin C: A very potent antioxidant; use a natural form such as acerola, which contains associated micronutrients. You can take several grams every hour till you are better, unless you start developing loose stools.
Oregano Oil: The higher the carvacrol concentration, the more effective it is. Carvacrol is the most active antimicrobial agent in oregano oil. Propolis: A bee resin and one of the most broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds in the world; propolis is also the richest source of caffeic acid and apigenin, two very important compounds that aid in immune response and even fight cancer.
A tea made from a combination of elderflower, yarrow, boneset, linden, peppermint and ginger; drink it hot and often for combating a cold or flu. It causes you to sweat, which is helpful for eradicating the virus from your system. Olive leaf extract: Ancient Egyptians and Mediterranean cultures used it for a variety of health purposes, and it is widely known as a natural, non-toxic immune system builder.


Your Rohnert Park Gym and Health Club is happy to help you get well and stay well! Call today to meet with a trainer to discuss more ways to get healthy and live happy!



Rohnert Park Gym Peeks in Taylor Swift’s Fridge

Your Rohnert Park Gym has scoured the pages of Muscle and Fitness, Glamour, Bon Appetit and Oxygen to bring you the 411 on what’s in a Celebrity’s fridge!


Rohnert Park Gym Peaks in Taylor Swift’s Fridge

Not to be a creepy fan, but we just had to find out what some of our favorite svelte starlets are munching on all day! We are about to divulge the secrets of what these ladies keep on hand. It is no secret that heavy sauced pastas and decadent deserts are scarce in a fit celebrity’s kitchen, but now we will give you a glimpse into what foods might help you get the same results that they did!

Taylor Swift fridge sets a great example for what to have in stock:

  • Good old OJ (She sing praises of Vitamin C, which she cannot live without in the morning!)
  • Spinach (which she adds to a multitude of meals, shakes, and salads)
  • Coconut water (She loves the original flavor but keeps chocolate coconut water on tap as well)
  • Carrots (She loves baby carrots because they are quick and accessible)
  • Veggie soup (vegan veggie soup is her favorite but any  freshly-made soup from the local market keeps that voice box warm and toasty!)
  • Bottled water (She loves the brita bottles that filter water as you drink, one bottle replaces about 300 regular plastic bottles- not a bad deal! It’s a great space saver too)
  • Fresh Eggs (boiled, scrambled or poached)
  •  Thinly sliced ham
  • Shredded chicken
  • Diet Coke
  • Parmesan Reggiano cheese

This gives us a pretty good idea of changes that we can make to look like a superstar too. She does admit to keeping a binge food in the house as well, like cookie dough or cinnamon rolls. More power to her if she can get away with it! Our guess is that she does not spend much time indulging in junk food.

If you need help knowing how to stock your fridge, schedule a session with one of the personal trainers from your Rohnert Park Gym today!

(707) 795-0400