Revolutionize Your Workout in Just 12 Minutes


At Energy Health Clubs we are always encouraging our members and the community to find new and exciting workouts to mix up their routine and stay motivated to keep in shape. High-intensity interval training can be one of the best ways to get into amazing shape. Continue reading the full article, by clicking here.

Cellulite Eliminating Secrets By Rohnert Park Health Club

Spring is here but not to fear, your Rohnert Park health club is here to give you a few vital secrets if you see a pock mark or two peaking out beneath that summer dress!Rohnert Park Health Club

Orange peel? Cottage cheese? Dimpling? No, it’s just my legs! Even the leanest athletes have been known to fall victim to cellulite and what an embarrassing uphill battle it is! You may have tried everything to get rid of it: creams, expensive treatment, wraps. If nothing is working, read on!

So what the heck is it?! The “ripple effect” occurs when fat cells push against the surrounding subcutaneous connective tissue in your skin. If your lymph circulation becomes sluggish, toxins accumulate in these fat cells. Creating a lymphatic flow may be a partial key in abolishing this slightly backstabber. This can be done with regular deep tissue massage. “Brushing” is another effective technique that is done by vigorously scrubbing using a dry body brush in the direction of the heart, rinsing with pure water, and then applying pure organic coconut oil.
Fasting in regular intervals is also an effective cellulite and bulge fighter. It provokes secretion of human growth hormone, accelerating fat burning, allowing the stored fat in these connective tissues to be used as fuel. Fasting can be done in many different ways to fit your lifestyle. You can fast, weekly, monthly or create your own variance. You can simply restrict eating to a 6-8 hour window. An example would be eating between 11am until 7pm.
One form of exercise that provides many of the same benefits as is high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT is accomplished by performing a series of exercises in short intense bursts with limited breaks between exercises. HIIT successfully increases Human Growth hormone, accelerating fat loss. In a 2004 German study,2 Acceleration Training alone reduced cellulite on subjects’ thighs and buttocks by nearly 26 percent. Other research confirms its benefits for sustained fat loss.
Lastly, eat whole, ideally organic and locally grown foods, and healthy fats including eggs, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, raw nuts, and grass-fed or pastured animal protein. Make sure to use unprocessed natural salt, such as Himalayan salt, which contains about 86 different essential minerals, especially if you are eating a lot of vegetables. This will ensure healthy sodium to potassium ratio.
Eating this way will help you transition from burning sugar to burning fat as your primary fuel. Do not attempt fasting if your diet still consists mainly of processed foods as proper nutrition.
Get on board with all of us at your Rohnert Park Health Club and tackle cellulite before summer. Call today to schedule a HIIT session with a personal trainer!